Tuesday, 5 March 2013

I Can't Believe It But I Won.....

...... a $600 Visa Card by entering a competition on Facebook and I am so excited, shocked and in disbelief I actually won.

On Sunday night, a page I like called The Idea Room posted this competition, so I entered why not I thought, you've got to be in it to win it, but the weird thing is as I entered it, I had a feeling, a feeling I would win it, but then I think that every time I enter a competition.

So last night, whilst supervising bath time, I was checking emails for the first time that day, as it was a no school day here and we'd been out all day at the Aquarium and Field Museum, it was the first time I'd had a chance to look and to my utter surprise, shock and disbelief I had received an email saying I had won it, NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My victory lap around the bathroom, whilst screaming I had won made the girls jump, but I was so excited, and it took me awhile to compose myself enough to reply to the email that had been sent at 10am that day, I'd gone 9 hours not realizing I was $600 richer.

And the best thing is it couldn't come at a better time, with my big 40th Birthday coming up this month, I've started running, and with my weight loss - I can well and truly treat myself.

So what am I going to spend it on hmmmmmm let me think about that - well I'd like some running shoes, new clothes, an overlooker/serger, make up, facial & massage, haircut, more yarn, more fabric - the list is endless and unfortunately $600 might not quite get me everything I wish for - good job there is my 40th coming up for that, but it will certainly buy me a few nice things and a treat for Mr C & the girls with it too.

Permission from The Idea Room for use of the Image.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! So excited for you! Sounds like a fun list of things to spend it on!


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