Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Last's Week Pinterest Challenge - Dribble Bibs

Sewing the bibs and burp cloths for Tilly's Preschool Benefit got me looking through my Sew Baby pinterest board, which gave me the inspiration for the pin I chose last week to execute.

I decided on this pin and this pin (as they are nearly the same) for last week's challenge and I had the perfect fabrics for it.

I mainly chose my British inspired fabrics for this challenge, as along with some bibs and burp cloths these little dribble bibs will be making there way into my Etsy shop at some point in the near future.

The other fabric I chose to use is a gorgeous blue beetle bug car print - it's a Japanese fabric made by Kokka and again I'm making a baby bundle up, not for my shop though, instead this will be a gift.

All backed in a soft polar fleece - I chose fleece over flannel as it is thicker, and over terry toweling as terry toweling is a little bulky and can be a bit scratchy. Fleece is nice and soft, absorbent and dries very quickly.

I also chose a velcro fastener, which I find works well with bibs of any kind.

You can see the difference in the sizes between the two dribble bib tutorials.

The dribble bibs on the left are the Bundles and Buttons tutorial and the ones on the right the How Does She tutorial.

I loved this little project, the little dribble bibs were quick to cut out and sew - which makes this a great project to do if you don't have a lot of time and a great way to use up some of your fabric stash.

I didn't have my usual camera at hand so I decided to instragram this post instead, I hope you like it.

And before I go did I mention I accidentally ordered some fabric last night from Hawthorn Threads (I love this fabric shop) - I absolutely adore the Children At Play collection by Sarah Jane for Michael Miller and I have finally ordered the Balloon in Aqua and On Parade from this gorgeous collection and I can't wait to get sewing with it.
Now to decide on this week's challenge - just another good excuse to keep pinning.

And find me here on Made By You Monday - Skip To My Lou

And see me here on Show & Tell Tuesday - I Have To Say


  1. Sounds like you will be busy sewing up more stuff with all the fun fabric you ordered! Great bibs!!
    Happy St. Patties!! :)
    x Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  2. These are so sweet and gorgeous fabrics! Love, love, love!

  3. you do lots of good works for others!
    LeeAnna Paylor


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