Sunday, 19 January 2014

A Fun Winter Craft

We're in the middle of a polar vortex here in Chicago, the temperatures are freezing cold and the lowest it's been is -26c/-15f, which is very cold but with the wind chill, it feels more like -40c brrrrr.

Today in comparison has been a mild 0c/32f, but it did snow all day yesterday so in weather like this we spend alot of time indoors and to avoid cabin fever today I decided to look through my Crafty Kids Pinterest board and pick something to do and I found this and as I knew I had all the items in, I knew we had to do it.

Armed with toilet rolls, peanut butter and bird seed we set to work to make this Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeder.

 We covered our toilet rolls with peanut butter and we slapped it on thick.

and then we dipped, rolled and pressed the bird seed onto the holders until it was fully coated and more, or not so fully coated in Tilly's case.

Ruby got busy filling in all empty patches

then we attached some string to them and went outside to hang them up

The girls choose where to put the bird feeders in the garden, and now we wait for the birds (or more likely the squirrels) to eat them, but whilst we waited we decided to have a play in the snow

and then it was hot chocolate time.

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